Friday, December 16, 2011

My husband says he doesn't love me anymore...what now?

My husband of five years moved out 2 days ago. he said that he still loved me and was still in love with me but needed time. He met a women at work and began an emotional affair with her(he says it was never physical, like that makes it better). He told me today that he doesn't love me anymore and hasn't for years. he says that he thinks he loves her(she is married, two kids, and won't tell her husband) We have a 2 year old son and my husband is a manager where he works, which means if he is caught even going to lunch with this woman he could be fired and jeopardize our son being taken care of financially. Anyway, i still love him and as much as i want to make it work i don't think it ever will. Even if he came back I don't think I could get past him telling me that he didn't love me. I felt very empowered today. I took everything in the house that I could find and threw it in the yard. I took one of his golf clubs and beat his taekwondo trophies in to little pieces,...I know it was immature but It felt really good at the time. my question is does this get better? I feel hollow and I feel as if I will never be okay. When does it get easier to lose something you fought so hard for, and I did, I did fight for this.I would have done anything to make him happy and he never even hinted at a problem until a week ago. My son is and will always be my top priority but at night when he's asleep and I'm all alone it really starts to hit me and it's tearing me apart. Will I be ok in a few days or weeks...or will it always just haunt me. I'm only 29...will I get over this?

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