Monday, December 19, 2011

Circision? yes or no?

ok, my little boy is 6 months old. We were going to get him circised in the hospital but he didn't have enough foreskin and they couldn't do it. He has a consultation with a pediatric surgeon tomorrow about getting it done. To me it doesn't make a difference. His father is from uruguay and isn't circised and it doesn't bother me at all! I am thinking of getting it done because my nephew didn't have it done and it got really infected and he had to end up getting it done at 6 yrs old. That scares me to death! but I just cant talk myself into hurting my son for no reason! I am also worried about him being teased in the boys locker room for being "different" and also my family was appalled to even hear I was considering not getting it done! (not that it really matters, I don't care what they think I just don't want to have to listen to them all the time) Also, I don't want him to be embarred when he gets older to be with girls in case they don't like it. what do you think? I just can't decide! I don't want to cause any pain to my little boy :(

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