Saturday, December 10, 2011

Please help me figure out how to win my man back!?

I was married for 10 years directly after high school so I've never really dated. Well my husband cheated on me and now we're divorced. I recently started dating again and I met this guy I think I really like. He has a really busy schedule and travels a bunch (for leisure) and I felt that he was stepping back and possibly afraid of being in a relationship but I'm not sure if it is all in my head. He was trying to keep contact (via texts and calls) with me while he was away but I was somewhat aloof. I guess I was kinda upset he choose to leave instead of hang out with me. But I did text him back but opted not to call him. I deleted him from my facebook due to a comment left by another female. I just didn't feel like misinterpreting the information or seeing any of it. I know super immature but what can I do now? Now that he's back he hasn't reached out to me. I texted asking if he was back and all he said was yes and that he was really busy with work. I thought he would definitely ask me to do something this weekend but hasn't reached out. I'm not sure if he knows about the facebook guys really check? Anyway, I know I screwed up. I know I slept with him too early. I know I was immature for deleting his FB. I know according to a therapist's standpoint I'm probably not ready emotionally for a relationship. All I want to know from you guys is how I can possibly get him back without looking like an idiot.

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